Category Archives: Uncategorized

America’s Obsession with Gender

It begins early

From the second a child is conceived our parents obsess over what the sex of their baby will be. The excitement, and even bets as it has gone in my family, are all surrounding the gender of the child to be. While this may seem harmless, it can be detrimental if that obsession with gender continues, as it almost always does. There is nothing wrong with wanting to know the gender of a child and the excitement surrounding this fact is innocent. However, if we look closer we may find that this very natural curiosity can breed harmful obsession with what is and is not “gender appropriate.”

Day one

From the moment we are brought into the world the notion of gender surrounds us. As we come out of our mother’s womb the doctor proclaims “It’s a boy or It’s a girl!” Then they place us on our mother’s chest only later to be whisked away to be cleaned and dressed in the standard blue or pink outfit. There it is. There is the beginning of being shoved into a box. Blue or pink. Blue if you’re a boy and pink if you’re a girl.

Mayhem just broke loose

Here come the thoughts. The scrolling to leave this page. “What is wrong with that? She has lost her mind!” you think to yourself. Let’s everyone simmer down for a moment and hear the rest of what I have to say. I am by no means saying that I am not a contributor to this behavior nor do I think that everyone who paints a boy’s room blue and a girl’s room pink is a despicable monster.

Now that I have got most of you back, let’s get deeper into this issue. I know that it is the way of the world to classify people as male or female. I understand that the idea of a “genderless” world is impossible to achieve. I understand that there are simple, logical reasons that we differentiate between the two sexes.

It is human nature to feel the need to separate things into their categories. Some more than others. I am by no means calling for a “genderless” world. I simply want to explore the fact that we as a society put too much emphasis on gender and therefore create notions like what is and is not “gender appropriate.”

I think it is fine to dress your daughter in dresses and bows and boys in hats and pants. Some people may feel that it’s wrong, I don’t. I feel that you should dress your children how you’d like and paint their rooms how you’d like.

The real point and concern

My concern is that when a child is old enough to have their own opinions and preferences, which starts extremely early on as my niece and nephews have proven to me, is it such a bad idea to listen?

I am not saying you should let your kid run naked through the streets or wear underwear as a hat. I am saying that as parents, the type of parent that I want to be, we should assert that our children be dressed age appropriately and be clothed but also allow our children to have some say in what they are comfortable in.

The same goes for toys. I was never one to narrowly conform to gender specific toys. Sure I may have had an easy bake oven or a doll but I was just as intrigued with a basketball and toy guns. Luckily my parents, to some extent, were not gender Nazis that forced me to play with Barbie dolls and like it.

I am essentially the same today. My appearance and the way that I like to present myself still provide a feminine picture. However, I do feel that I am highly androgynous. I feel that I have an equal amount of characteristics, personality-wise that are normally placed in a masculine box and feminine box.

I like who I am and feel that my parents did a good job at allowing me to play with the boys and girls too. This I also partially attribute to my assumption that it is much easier for our society to accept a young girl playing sports and getting dirty than it is to accept a boy playing with Barbie and makeup.

For young girls, at least in my case, our dads are proud of our “tom boy” ways. They take pride in seeing their daughter be able to stand their ground. However, our mothers might feel differently; as I am sure mine did.

For young boys it is much harder to be interested in things typically sanctioned by society for girls. Boys are told they are supposed to be tough and strong. They shouldn’t cry or whine. Girls are told to be quiet, ladylike and sensitive.

This is where I begin to have an issue. I don’t think that we should instill these “gender appropriate” notions in our children’s heads. We should worry more about instilling things like being kind to others, creating friendships, standing up for yourself, having confidence, and being accepting of differences in our kids.

If society worried more about instilling values in our children and creating an environment that is conducive to learning, growth and acceptance we would all be better off.

So your daughter prefers sneakers and a baseball cap and your son prefers dolls and the color pink. What does that have to do with determining whether or not they are good and worthy? 


Class Assignment: Summary

The blogging assignment this semester has allowed me to create an area to publish my thoughts and work about an issue that I feel extremely strongly about. With the heavy load of work and internships on my back I don’t think that I would have made time to do this on my on. I am glad that I have an outlet that I can express myself.

The experience has been a good one and I will definitely continue to publish. I feel that I would have changed the fact that I didn’t have additional time to publish more work. There are many things that I feel I haven’t covered. I enjoy seeing the comments, shares and likes that my blogs have received. It feels as though I have connected to other people who share the same passion. These people I would have never had the opportunity to interact with if I had not been asked to create a blog.

Some of the tools that I think were very helpful were widgets, stats and tags. The widgets make it easy to add additional content and provide a professional looking web page for your blog posts. The stats in my opinion were the most interesting and helpful. It was really cool to see where my readers were geographically. It is really empowering to see that your words and collective thoughts have reached people internationally. It was also very useful to see when my blog got the most views and which posts were the most popular. It lets me know what people want to hear about and gives you a feel for where the centralized interest is. The tags are the only real way that anyone comes into contact with your blog posts on Word Press so that of course was essential.

This experience will benefit me in the future as I continue to add to my blog site by simply allowing me to showcase my writing. It has also taught me about the “back end” of websites and blogs which I can put to use at any company or organization that I work for.

College Assignment: Idea for a Mobile Application

My idea for a mobile application is a news and information app for the LGBTQ community.This app would solve the problem of having to search and dig through countless search results to find information specific to the user’s area and information that is solely associated with LGBTQ topics/interests. People of the LGBTQ community would want to use this app because it would be a convenient way to get locations of gay friendly businesses, bars/clubs, articles about LGBTQ life, etc.

Once starting the app, the home screen would allow you to enter your location so that any information that needed to, would be altered to your area. After entering your location, you would select a category which would then display the desired content. Examples of screens are shown below.


Right and Responsibility to Celebrate Pride


Many people outside of the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Questioning) community tend to see pride as something silly and extravagant. A gathering of the brightly dressed, lustful creatures that prance around half-clothed, if clothed at all. With this assumption it is easy to dismiss the importance of pride events.

True Meaning

Gay pride is not just a big, fabulous party. Rather, It is about the celebration of accepting oneself as is, even when society deems homosexuality as taboo at best, and an abomination at worst. Pride is about acknowledging the struggle of the people who were the first to take a stance and fight for rights of the LGBTQ community.


Society has yet to fully accept the LGBTQ community. While this is still a tremendous struggle today, we have come a long way. In the 1950s and 1960s being openly gay was damn near unheard of. With good reason, there was a definite lack of visibility of the LGBTQ community. During this time, people who were openly gay could be arrested and put in jail.

Police raids of establishments that were suspected of being gay bars was not uncommon. With this knowledge, it may not have been a surprise to the community when the New York City Police Department raided the Stonewall Inn located in Greenwich Village. The Stonewall Inn was known to be a hangout for many of society’s outcasts of the time, which of course included the LGBTQ community.

In the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, members of the  LGBTQ community rioted against the NYPD after the raid on the Stonewall Inn. The initial riot led to more protests from the LGBTQ community. The newfound fight in the community quickly resulted in the organization of activist groups that worked for the fair treatment of the LGBTQ community.

The Stonewall Riots are credited by many as the most prominent event that helped launch the modern-day gay rights movement. It was the first LGBTQ group, of a notable size,  to stand together and resist arrest. The modern-day gay pride parade and events were organized to commemorate and acknowledge this huge step towards visibility and equal rights.

Continued Struggle

Anti-gay protestors at Austin Pride 2012

Austin Pride: Protestors shout slurs and condemn festival-goers to hell on September 22, 2012.

Today the LGBTQ community is more visible and, for the most part, more tolerated in today’s society. Even with this being so, there is still a tremendous amount of discrimination towards the community.

People who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Questioning continuously struggle with judgement, oppression and violence against them.

While we may not ever be able to change someone’s personal views on homosexuality, we should always have equal rights as American citizens. Part of what we are entitled to as American citizens is the ability to pursue happiness as we see fit and to be protected equally from unjust attacks. We should be able to be who we are, love who we love, marry who we choose and be proud of all of the above.

Strides Towards An Equal America: An Intro

We all know that the United States of America has had its fair share of bumps along the road in the equality department. From the Women’s Suffrage Movement to the Civil Rights Movement, American’s have struggled to establish equality. Many Americans would rather think of these occurrences as a thing of the past and not look back. As they say, history has a way of repeating itself.

Today there is another serious issue of equality at hand.

The issue

I understand that some of you reading this have no personal investment in human rights. Maybe you don’t even know what I mean when I use the term “human rights.” The injustice that I am referring to is the fact that same-gender couples are denied a legally recognized marriage by the federal government.

I believe in the ideals that this country was founded on, but feel that because of this injustice, America does not treat all of its citizens equally. The constitution of this country was created with the understanding that diversity is not only acceptable, but natural. It was established to ensure that our country, and its government, couldn’t deny or withdraw the rights of its people, and that our country would allow its citizens to live as they saw fit.

The point and the ambitious goal

In this blog I will document some of the strides towards an equal America and bring a personal and human perspective to a subject that has been portrayed as solely a political issue by the media. I will include usage of Youtube videos, and social media to inform and link readers to additional sources. By doing so, I can only hope that one person’s indifference or opposition to marriage equality be transformed into understanding and eagerness to establish an equal America.

Pride in Equality