Monthly Archives: November 2012

What it Means to be a Lesbian Family

People have a lot of misconceptions and judgments about the LGBT community. Among the most popular I have heard in the past are that gay people are nothing but lustful people who have no desire or ability to achieve a meaningful and monogamous relationship and that they are not suited for or are incapable of raising well-rounded children. While I could go into detail about how outrageous these stereotypes are and provide you all with research studies that assert that gay families produce children who are just as capable and well-rounded as any straight couple, I will leave that for a future post.

Instead, I decided to put together a few pictures that I think share a piece of insight for those who make these aforementioned claims. This short photo slideshow is of my girlfriend, her daughter and me. I hope that this will show the confused that we are just as normal, as happy, and as capable as anyone else.

Equality: Her Story

There are a lot of pressures and judgments placed upon members of the LGBT community. It is hard enough identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender in a society that doesn’t fully accept or understand what that means. What happens when parenthood is thrown into that mix?  Single mother and registered nurse, Dulce Ramirez, shares her struggles and experiences associated with her identifying as a lesbian. From her realizing she was different to explaining her sexual orientation to her daughter, Dulce shares it all.